We offer information, creative activities, critical thinking, and group exercises that increase skills, personal development and encourage interdependence and self-sufficiency.
The lack of life skills can frustrate an individual and cause him or her to be depressed or lack self-confidence. They may see themselves as powerless and feel dependent on others all the time. Our program equips, educates and empowers individuals to be resourceful. Acquiring life skills can improve a person’s character, confidence, and overall wellbeing.
> This program is great for young adults and adults trying to find the right career path according to their education, skills and personality type. In this program individuals realize the good qualities they possess within.
> They will be able to connect their education with their career journey and also experience different career paths.
We believe mental health shouldn't be ignored. Mental wellness means that your mind is in order and functioning in your best interest. We have partnered with Camilles Place Health Services to provide these services, direction, and support.
We have partnered with Camilles Places, to offering supporting housing to men who our financially struggling, homeless etc. If you know anyone who needs our services please go to https://camillesplaceofhope.org/ and fill out the client application.
Learn more about our upcoming events, fundraisers, and more!